The containers of the Matita series, in four versions of 35, 55, 70 and 110 hectoliters, are made with a single cold casting of our mixture of cocciopesto in the mold and counter mold and then vibrated on a special bench to mix and compact the material. After 48 hours, the mold is opened and the product is left to dry naturally for a period of about 30 days, depending on the relative humidity
and depending on the season in which it is produced. Subsequently the container is finished by hand, glued into its components, the required accessories are inserted and then packed in the wooden case. An important feature of this series of containers with important capacities is that they can be placed next to each other to optimize the overall space in plan. Given the size of the product, the binding fibers are replaced in these models with a structural metal cage like the one used by our competitors.
All accessories mounted on the container, transfers, manhole cover diameter 600 mm. with five-point closure, door mm. 405 x 530 h. with silicone gaskets, wine taster, thermometer if required, partial or total drain valves, are in AISI 304 or 316 steel. Cocciopesto feet h. 200 mm. For other accessories and customizations, contact us.
Tutti gli accessori montati sul contenitore, trapassi, chiusino diametro 600 mm. con chiusura a cinque punti, portella mm. 405 x 530 h. con guarnizioni in silicone, assaggiavino, termometro se richiesto, valvole di scarico parziale o totale, sono in acciaio aisi 304 o 316. Piedi in cocciopesto h. 200 mm. Per altri accessori e personalizzazioni, contattaci.